Voucher Codes

Last Updated: April 26, 2022 subscriptions

This article describes how voucher codes work and how to go about purchasing or redeeming them for your account.

How do they work?

A voucher code on addy.io is simply a code that can be purchased and redeemed at a future date in order to upgrade (or extend) your account's subscription.

To purchase a voucher code visit the subscription page and scroll to the "voucher Codes" section.

Here you can select a quantity and plan for your voucher codes, payment is made by card and it handled by Stripe.

An upgrade example

Say you had a cryptocurrency subscription on the Lite plan that had 6 months left and you redeemed a voucher code for the Pro plan. Your account would be upgraded immediately and your unused time on the Lite plan (6 months) would be added to your subscription's end date. So this would be 6 months divided by 3 = 2 months added on meaning your subscription would end in 14 months time.

Redeeming a voucher code

If you already have a voucher code you can redeem it in the same section by pasting it into the text input and clicking "Redeem Voucher".

At the moment you cannot redeem a voucher code if you are on a recurring card subscription.

Official resellers

You can also purchase voucher codes from ProxyStore who are an official reseller. Here you can pay with Monero, Bitcoin, cash and SEPA bank transfer.